How Long Does Buprenorphine Stay in Your System

It is estimated that around 90 Americans become victims of opioid overdose every day. According to the latest figures, there were an estimated 75,673 opioid overdose fatalities in the 12 months ending in April 2021. Even though these numbers are alarming, there are efficacious medications, such as Buprenorphine, that can minimize the risk of opioid…

Opioid Use Disorder Treatment: Methadone vs Suboxone

In 2020, approx 3 million Americans were diagnosed with Opioid Use Disorder, and it is reported that every 20 minutes, there occurs an Opioid overdose that results in death. Methadone and Suboxone are the two most commonly used opioid agonists for OUD treatment. So, which is better — Methadone vs Suboxone? Read ahead and find…

A Sudden Rise in Snorting Adderall – Health Risks and Treatment

Are you aware that the US is going through an Adderall® shortage at the moment?

Top 9 Fitness Trainers You Should Follow During Addiction Recovery

If you are struggling with addiction, taking care of your body is essential. Physical fitness reduces stress and gives you more energy to do the things that matter most in life. In addition, exercise releases natural compounds such as endorphins which create a rush similar to what is experienced by using drugs or alcohol. Exercise…

Alcohol Treatment Centers Near Me That Treat ETOH Abuse

Ethyl alcohol also referred to as Ethanol, is an acronym for ETOH that causes intoxication and is present in alcoholic beverages. According to the New Jersey Department of Health, breathing in Ethanol can irritate the nose, throat, and lungs. Additionally, Ethanol exposure might result in headaches, nausea, and sleepiness. You may be in need of…

Opioid Treatment Programs Near You – A Quick Guide

Did you know that 10 million Americans abuse prescription opioids and 48,006 people died in the United States from opioid overdose in 2020? Opioids are a class of drugs clinically prescribed primarily for analgesic (pain-killing), sedative (sleep-inducing), and antitussive (anti-cough) properties. Therefore, opioids have a high propensity to be abused and can result in fatal…

Follow These Brave Veterans Who Have Battled With PTSD

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD)  is most common in veterans because they are exposed to horrible and life-threatening experiences, a recent study indicated. The report also reveals that around 10-15% of veterans who have served in any war have the chance to develop PTSD. Those struggling with PTSD are not alone; ChoicePoint remembers and honors PTSD…