When to Stop Smoking Weed While Pregnant – Better Late Than Never

Survey reports show that 1 in 10 individuals who smoke weed, otherwise known as marijuana, can become addicted to weed. Approximately 5% of women take one or more addictive substances while pregnant. 1 in every 20 pregnant women in the US uses drugs like cocaine, heroin, and marijuana. The struggle to deal with marijuana use…

Top Mom Influencers Share 3 Tips On How To Help a Recovering Mother

Recovering from addiction is not a smooth path; there will be many ups and downs. Mothers in recovery may find it difficult to cope with downtimes.  Studies say that mothers either don’t start the treatment or quit after some time. That’s why ChoicePoint approached top-rated mother influencers who may encourage mothers to start the recovery…

How to Heal Your Liver After Alcohol Abuse

Did you know? It is reported that alcohol abuse is one of the leading causes of liver inflammation in the US. In 2015, 20% of the liver transplants were performed due to the damage done by alcohol. Therefore, drinking alcohol more than what the liver can process can damage the liver and cause alcohol-related liver…

Wet Brain and How It Linked to Alcoholism

What Is Wet Brain and How It Is Linked to Alcoholism?

 Alcohol addiction negatively impacts one’s mental and physical well-being. We know about the common problems caused by abusing alcohol, but do you know what wet brain syndrome is and what it feels like to have wet brain?  It is a relatively lesser-known disorder caused by abusing alcohol, but that doesn’t make it any less harmful…

Snorting Hydrocodone Dangerous Side Effects

Snorting Hydrocodone and Its Dangerous Side Effects

Hydrocodone is hands-down the most frequently prescribed opioid medication in the US. As a result, it is the most abused drug, having acute addiction potential. In 2016, the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) concluded that; 6.9 million people aged 12 and older in the United States abused hydrocodone the previous year. According…

Top Nutritionists Suggest 15 Superfoods to Eat During Addiction Recovery

Nutrients you have lost during alcohol and drug addiction need to be restored during recovery. A well-balanced diet along with a personalized addiction treatment plan can boost your energy, help you cope with drug cravings, and overcome addiction. Knowing the importance of nutrients for your physical and mental health during addiction recovery, ChoicePoint invited top-rated…