New Jersey Detox Center

Comprehensive Treatments at New Jersey Detox Center for Drugs

The prevalence of drugs is a big issue in the US. The issues of Reports of increased addiction in New Jersey are being highlighted. Of 85,266 people who sought admission, 21% of them were intravenous drug users. New Jersey Detox Centers (outpatient) saw 17,244 admissions. 72% individual of the total admissions were Medicare-sponsored. This means…

Mixing Benzodiazepines and Alcohol

Mixing Benzodiazepines and Alcohol: Overdose Warning Signs

Did you know that between 2019 and 202, benzodiazepines were implicated in 12,499 overdose fatalities in the United States? Benzodiazepines (benzos) are excellent drugs for treating numerous diseases. However, their addictive nature increases the risk of a potentially lethal overdose. They carry the danger of misuse, addiction, and deadly overdose. Especially when mixed with opioids,…

What is Naltrexone Used For?

What Naltrexone is Used For? Alcohol Addiction Treatment Guide

Have you ever wondered why your doctors prescribe you naltrexone for AUD? A question arises in your mind: what is naltrexone used for? Well, there could be many reasons, such as naltrexone for pain, alcohol, and opioid addiction, depending on symptoms and severity. A recent survey by KFF revealed that only 46% of people or…

How Can Benzo Withdrawal Kill You?

Xanax Overdose Symptoms: Treating Addiction, Withdrawal and Side Effects

Drug overdose is one of the biggest problems the US has ever faced. A recent study published by Texas State University revealed that 15% of drug overdoses were associated with benzodiazepine misuse, such as Xanax and Valium. However, Xanax is prescribed for mental illness treatment. But people often misuse it for recreational purposes. The only…

Common Medications Used for Drug Detox

Do Detox Drinks for Drugs Work?

With the rise of influencer culture and the bombardment of newer information on social media, the trend of “detox diets” is increasing. While the concept of eating well is healthy, it also encourages unhealthy practices such as going for “detox supplements.” Not everything that claims to help detox is approved by the FDA. The agency…

Commonly Used Drugs

Top 5 Most Addictive Drugs and Recovery Options

Almost 38 million Americans abused illegal drugs in 2020. Among the illegal drug users, 25% had a drug disorder. While the stats for the most addictive drugs are alarming, it is important to understand that addiction can happen to anyone. Drugs have built-in addictive active ingredients in them that affect the working of the brain…

Weed Withdrawal Symptoms

How to Detox from Weed-A Step by Step Guide

Medically supervised psychiatric careAlmost 48.2 million Americans used weed at least once, and this number is growing each year. Although a majority of daily users wish to quit, heavy cannabis use can be very difficult to quit without support. Thankfully, supervised detoxification exists specifically to help people detox from weed in a safe, controlled setting.…

Suboxone Online Doctors For OUD

Suboxone Treatment FAQs: Everything You Need To Know

Suboxone is one of the most popular drugs prescribed for opioid addiction treatment. Whether you are starting the treatment or just looking for clarity on how Suboxone/Buprenorphine works, we have got you covered. Our research-based FAQs and facts will help you make informed decisions about Suboxone treatment for opioid use disorder. ChoicePoint is committed to…

Understanding Suboxone Therapy for Opioid Use Disorder

Suboxone- A Promising Medication at Drug Rehab in NJ

You likely know the problematic withdrawal symptoms if you’ve attempted to overcome substance use disorder without medical assistance. This can derail your progress and lead to relapse. For those who are determined to try again, Suboxone® medication-assisted treatment (MAT) could be a valuable option. This medication has helped numerous individuals with substance use disorders break…