Is Addiction Hereditary?

Is Addiction Hereditary? A Quick Guide!

What causes addiction? Why is it that even with all the access to quality treatment and all the information in the world, people still struggle with addiction? One might ask, “Is addiction hereditary? It is often said that bad company ruins good morals, but sometimes it is in the genes. Is addiction an environmental or…

Wet Brain and How It Linked to Alcoholism

What Is Wet Brain and How It Is Linked to Alcoholism?

 Alcohol addiction negatively impacts one’s mental and physical well-being. We know about the common problems caused by abusing alcohol, but do you know what wet brain syndrome is and what it feels like to have wet brain?  It is a relatively lesser-known disorder caused by abusing alcohol, but that doesn’t make it any less harmful…

Snorting Hydrocodone Dangerous Side Effects

Snorting Hydrocodone and Its Dangerous Side Effects

Hydrocodone is hands-down the most frequently prescribed opioid medication in the US. As a result, it is the most abused drug, having acute addiction potential. In 2016, the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) concluded that; 6.9 million people aged 12 and older in the United States abused hydrocodone the previous year. According…

How to Help a Recovering Alcoholic - A Step by Step Guide

How to Help a Recovering Alcoholic? 5 Effective Ways

How to Help a Recovering Alcoholic? 5 Effective Ways Alcohol addiction continues to be the frontrunner in substance abuse. One in eight adults are suffering from alcohol addiction in America. Unfortunately, this statistic points at another dangerous and glaring situation that often goes unattended; Many of our friends and family members are also caught up…

How to Detox From Cocaine Safely – An Ultimate Guide 2022

When learning about how to detox from cocaine safely, it is essential to rely only on authentic information. Detox is the most crucial step in managing cocaine addiction, as if not carried out correctly, the chances of relapse are high.   This blog will give you accurate and research-backed information about what cocaine is, how it…

Fentanyl Withdrawal Timeline

Fentanyl Withdrawal Timeline: Everything You Need to Know

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid used in pain management. It is approximately 100 times more potent than Morphine! The United States government has now labeled Fentanyl as the next wave of the opioid crisis. It is one of the most abused opioid drugs and a significant contributor to opioid-related overdose deaths. If you want to…

Is Alcohol a Drug? Find Out and Understand

Is Alcohol Considered a Drug? Understanding Alcohol Addiction

Did you know that alcohol is the leading cause of preventable deaths in the United States? Yes, Alcohol Abuse claims almost 260 lives per day! Hence, we must give you accurate information about is alcohol considered a drug and how it can lead to addiction.  The most common questions we stumble upon are:  What is…

Klonopin Withdrawal Symptoms

How to Manage Klonopin Withdrawal Symptoms

You may have been prescribed Klonopin by your doctor for anxiety or panic attack treatment. If you often take the medication, discontinuing it may be hard because of the common and intense withdrawal symptoms of Klonopin. You are not the only victim of this drug. If you are ready, we can help you safely withdraw…

Benzo Overdose Leads to Its Abuse That Result in Addiction

Benzodiazepine Overdose: From Abuse to Addiction

Benzodiazepines are prescribed for anxiety, insomnia, and stress management. These are generally safe when used as prescribed. However, prolonged use may result in addiction. Benzodiazepine addiction is a leading factor of benzo overdose with various life-threatening side effects, including seizures and coma. If you are ready to overcome benzodiazepine addiction, then ChoicePoint is here to…

Xanax an Opioid?

Is Xanax an Opioid?

With people being rightfully concerned about mental health now more than ever, the prescribing of anti-anxiety medications has tripled over the last decade. There is absolutely no denying that Xanax is effective for various mental health and physical disorders. But, it is extremely addictive when used in the long term.   That being said, our aim…