Did you know Xanax is an opioid? In 2023 6.8 percent of drug overdose deaths were reported in the U.S. due to Xanax. They are often combined with other drugs to enhance sedation effects, making them deadly. Depending on how long does Xanax stay in your system, side effects can be catastrophic and even fatal! So timely treatment and quitting are necessary before it is out of control.
ChoicePoint addiction treatment center offers personalized Xanax addiction treatment through FDA-approved MAT programs and addiction therapy programs. Call Now 844.445.2565 to book an appointment!
Table of Contents
The Half-Life of Xanax
Half-life is when the body removes 50% of the drug from its system. Xanax (Alprazolam) has an average elimination time of 12 hours, but it can usually last from 6 to 20 hours in the body depending upon various factors such as:
- Age
- Metabolism
- Body fat
- Tolerance rate
- Intake patterns
Generally, a normal healthy body takes 5 to 6 half-lives for Xanax clearance. After this time, the body doesn’t show any signs and symptoms of the drug apart from the above mentioned factors.
Talk to our 24/7 virtual guideline expert on Xanax if you have trouble managing Xanax withdrawal. Call Now 844.445.2565.
How Long Does Xanax Stay In Your System?
Xanax starts showing its effect on the body within an hour due to its fast metabolic activity on Central Nervous System (CNS). Different Dosages of Xanax will last accordingly:
How long does 0.25 mg Xanax stay in your system?
- It will last for approximately 1.5 days.
How long does 0.5 mg Xanax stay in your system?
- It can last for up to 2 days.
How long does 1 mg of Xanax stay in your system?
- It can take 2.5 days for Xanax Clearance.
100% of Xanax should wear off within four days. All of the above dose clearances for How long does xanax stay in your system are based on a healthy individual. People with altered factors may experience a shorter or longer Xanax stay in their system.
Have you taken Xanax but do not know how long does Xanax stay in your system? Call Now 844.445.2565 to get expert guidance!
Your Guide to Xanax Withdrawal Symptoms
7 Factors That Affect How Long Xanax Stays in Your System
How long does Xanax stay in your system may depend on certain physical and chemical factors depending on a person’s metabolism and ability to tolerate Xanax dose. Particularly it can depend on 7 factors:
1– Age Factor
A person’s age directly impacts their ability to ingest, circulate, and eliminate substances. Most people aged 60 or above have an average Xanax half-life of 15-16 hours compared to the normal 12 hours in young ones. This might be associated with slow blood circulation, impaired metabolism, and altered brain functioning.
2- Body Mass Index (BMI)
BMI includes the weight, body fat, and height of a person. A person with a high BMI (weight/height) will generally require more amount of Xanax to take the same effects as compared to a person with a low BMI and thus changing How long does Xanax stay in your system.
Body Fats, on the other hand, will increase the half-life of Xanax as the body will not be able to digest Xanax molecules properly in your system due to obesity properly, and the half-life of Xanax can grow up to 21-22 hours in obese people.
3- Body Metabolism
How long it takes a body to process Xanax in its system defines its Basal metabolic rate (BMR). This usually depends on genetics; a person with poor BMR will likely take more time to process and eliminate Xanax than someone with high BMR.
4- Liver/Kidney Metabolism
The liver functions mainly by maintaining the chemical balance of your blood and thus helps in Xanax clearance. The kidney filters the blood from unwanted substances, thus quickly eliminating Xanax from blood. Both of these organs, if impaired, will increase the half-life of Xanax, and it will stay for a longer period in the body. The average half-life of Xanax in people with liver disease has been recorded up to 20 hours.
5- Dosage
The amount of Xanax a person, takes directly impacts How long does Xanax stay in your system. Xanax stay will be directly proportional to your dosage. For example, Taking 12 hours as the initial half-life of Xanax. A 1mg Xanax dose will remain in the following quantities after the initial administration:
- 0.5mg after 12 hours.
- 0.25mg after 24 hours.
- 0.125mg after 36 hours.
- 0.0625mg after 48 hours.
- 0.03125mg after 60 hours.
So approximately, it will take 5-6 days for Xanax to be considered eliminated from the body. If you want to help yourself or your loved ones from fatal consequences, it is important to learn How much Xanax is too much and the risks that come with it.
6- Regularity of Intake
People taking Xanax for the long term will be more likely to develop tolerance against it and requires more dose of Xanax to get an effective outcome. This will impact a longer stay of Xanax in their system, increasing its half-life with low effects.
7- Interaction With Other Substances
How long does Xanax stay in your system will depend on its interaction with substances such as
- Enhancing drugs like opioids will likely increase their stay and effects.
- Ingesting alcohol will also increase the Xanax detection time in your body.
- Smoking can reduce the half-life of Xanax by up to 50% in your system. Thus increasing Xanax clearance in your system.
- Certain drugs may be associated with increasing Xanax metabolism. This is potentially applied in MAT for Xanax treatment.
Ready to start your Xanax Clearance today? Call Now 844.445.2565 to book an appointment!
How Xanax Is Recreationally Mishandled
How Long Does Xanax Stay In Your System for a Drug Test?
All the drug tests performed for Xanax detection are based on gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. How long does Xanax appear on a drug test differs for different body parts?
How long does Xanax stay in your urine?
- Xanax in the urine lasts for up to 90 hours or roughly 4-5 days.
How long does Xanax stay in your saliva?
- The simplest form of drug test that can detect Xanax in your system for approximately 2-3 days.
How long does Xanax stay in your hair?
- Xanax in hair can be detected between 2-3 weeks to 90 days post-ingestion. It has the longest drug detection time in the body.
How long does Xanax stay in your blood?
- Xanax in the blood can be detected for up to a day after administration.
How long does Xanax stay in your breast milk?
- Xanax in breast milk can last 2 to 3 days, so make sure that Xanax is completely out of your system before feeding your newborn infants.
Drug detection tests are performed for legal purposes, drug rehab centers, athletes, employees, military personnel, and crime reports.
Take our free Xanax addiction Assessment Test. Call Now 844.445.2565 for 24/7 telehealth guidance on how long does Xanax stay in your system. We are available state-wide virtually in Montana, in-person, and virtually in New Jersey. Get help today!
How to Get Xanax Out of Your System?
A sound body can naturally detoxify Xanax from the system. But one can always follow some tips to get Xanax quickly out of their system:
- First of all, quit taking or depending on Xanax all the time.
- Take OTC medication with clinical guidance to increase the metabolism of Xanax.
- Stay hydrated to maximize Xanax withdrawal through urine.
- Maintain a balanced and healthy diet of fruits and vegetables to improve your metabolic activity.
- Exercise more often, gym, run, or any physical activity to improve physical health and blood circulation for Xanax clearance.
Ready to get Xanax out of your system? Call Now 844.445.2565 to verify your insurance and start treatment today!
Xanax Withdrawal- Get Addiction Treatment With ChoicePoint
Xanax withdrawal can be difficult without seeking medical help. A person on Quora explained, “To me, it was like having the worst panic attack with no end in sight.” So make sure to have DEA-expert guidance by your side for Xanax clearance. ChoicePoint is here to help you maintain your Xanax sobriety by:
- Medication-Assisted Treatment (Suboxone, Subutex, Naltrexone).
- Dual-diagnosis treatment for co-occurring disorders related to Xanax addiction.
- Addiction therapy for preventing relapse and treating mental disorders.
Call Now 844.445.2565 to get Xanax out of your system with our FDA-Approved medication-assisted treatment program.
Medical Disclaimer:
ChoicePoint aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use disorder and mental health issues. Our team of licensed medical professionals research, edit and review the content before publishing. However, this information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. For medical advice please consult your physicians or ChoicePoint's qualified staff.