How to Find the Right Drug Near You?

Top 5 Ways to Find the Right Drug Rehab Near You

Recovery starts from the moment one realizes that they require treatment or rehabilitation. The next step is to find a rehab program that meets one’s needs. However, with so much information on the internet with different guidelines and suggestions, answering the simplest of questions such as what is the right drug rehab near me can…

Should You Go for Methadone Clinic or Suboxone to Fight Against Opioid?

Should I Choose a Methadone Clinic to Fight Against Opioid Addiction?

Methadone was invented by Germany back in 1939, and ever since it has been the go-to medication for opioid treatment centers. However, the arrival of new and developed medications such as Suboxone has posed a better alternative to treatment at Methadone clinic. Methadone itself belongs to the category of opioid; therefore, proper care is vital…

ChoicePoint's MAT Clinic

Top 5 Medications Prescribed at MAT Clinic

Are you thinking about finding a MAT clinic, but you are hesitant to step into the unknown? Are you concerned about the effectiveness of the MAT program and the safety of medications prescribed? You may have so many questions, but the only question you should be asking yourself is, Are you ready to take your…

Non-12 Step Rehab

Why Choose Non-12 Step Rehab? 5 Reasons to Get You Started Non-12 step Rehab

To rid yourself or your loved ones of the malice of substance abuse or alcohol addiction, you should know about the best rehab treatment. A common choice is the 12 step rehab program, the model of treatment adopted by many treatment programs. However, with a wide range of options, let us discuss alternatives to 12…

addiction treatment

Top 10 Musicians And Their Inspirational Songs To Help You In Recovery Journey

Music can help us cope with the difficult times of life. During addiction recovery, stress, depression, and cravings are common. But music with powerful lyrics can lessen stress, boost self-confidence, reduce the signs of depression and craving for drugs.  ChoicePoint understands the problems of people fighting with addiction and aiming for lifelong sobriety. So we…

Morphine Addiction Common Facts

7 Common Facts About Morphine Addiction People Usually Get Wrong

We often think prescription medicines are always safe to use, but you will be surprised to find out that Morphine addiction is ranked as the third leading cause of drug-related emergency admissions! Morphine is labeled as a schedule II controlled substance by FDA and DEA. And rightfully so, because even when taking recommended doses, Morphine…

Is Alcohol a Drug? Find Out and Understand

Is Alcohol Considered a Drug? Understanding Alcohol Addiction

Did you know that alcohol is the leading cause of preventable deaths in the United States? Yes, Alcohol Abuse claims almost 260 lives per day! Hence, we must give you accurate information about is alcohol considered a drug and how it can lead to addiction.  The most common questions we stumble upon are:  What is…

Klonopin Withdrawal Symptoms

How to Manage Klonopin Withdrawal Symptoms

You may have been prescribed Klonopin by your doctor for anxiety or panic attack treatment. If you often take the medication, discontinuing it may be hard because of the common and intense withdrawal symptoms of Klonopin. You are not the only victim of this drug. If you are ready, we can help you safely withdraw…

Follow World’s 30 Best Motivational Speakers During Addiction Recovery – 2021

Recovering from addiction can be hard. You may find yourself battling against cravings in the beginning. But motivation, along with timely addiction treatment, can put you on a recovery path, motivate you to avoid relapse, and encourage you to be sober. A motivational speaker can change the way you think and help inspire you to start…

Xanax an Opioid?

Is Xanax an Opioid?

With people being rightfully concerned about mental health now more than ever, the prescribing of anti-anxiety medications has tripled over the last decade. There is absolutely no denying that Xanax is effective for various mental health and physical disorders. But, it is extremely addictive when used in the long term.   That being said, our aim…