To rid yourself or your loved ones of the malice of substance abuse or alcohol addiction, you should know about the best rehab treatment. A common choice is the 12 step rehab program, the model of treatment adopted by many treatment programs. However, with a wide range of options, let us discuss alternatives to 12 step programs and how non-12 step rehab offers addiction treatment without utilizing the twelve steps. Furthermore, if you are looking for alternative rehab centers, ChoicePoint’s programs may be perfect for you!
Table of Contents
12 Step Vs Non 12 Step: An Overview of the Rehab Treatment Plans
Before diving into the details of the subject, it is vital to know what a twelve-step rehab program is and a few key differences between both 12 steps and non-12 step programs.
12 Step Program Definition
Founded in 1935 by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), the twelve-step program is a spiritually driven wellness program for overcoming alcohol addiction.
The central tenets of the program are:
- Admitting one’s inability to control his addiction
- Realizing the need for a higher power/God to help us
- Completely surrendering ourselves to the Almighty’s mercy
- Addressing our shortcomings
- Using prayer as a means to recover
- Attending aa meetings
The program believes in realizing one’s addiction as something uncontrollable, and only through completely surrendering to the will of God can one be free from addiction. The program has even helped non-religious people in finding a path to recovery.
Why Do You Need Alternative Rehab Centers?
Yet, the 12-step program may not work for you or many others. Many objections are raised over its working with questions such as:
- Are twelve-step programs evidence-based?
- Does scientific research back them?
- Is it necessary to attend the vast number of aa meetings?
- What to do if I do not have a similar spiritual awakening?
- What if twelve-step rehab is not suitable for me?
How Non-12 Step Rehab Programs Helps
These questions raise serious concerns about the program and show that 12 step rehab can be a mentally exhausting process. It can make Recovery seem like a draining process, especially when fighting alcohol addiction.
Looking for a non 12 step alcohol rehab? ChoicePoint offers an extensive alcohol recovery program that is built to cater to your needs.
5 Reasons to Get You Started on Non-12 Step Rehab
Twelve-step rehab has been effective but cannot compete with some of the advantages that non-12 step rehab offers! Here are five significant reasons why you should opt for non-12 step recovery programs.
1. Individualized treatment
Non-12 step rehabs understand that every individual has a separate set of circumstances that he struggles with emotionally, physically, or even financially.
Non-12 step rehab programs offer individualized treatment to meet the individual’s requirements, from his routine and schedule to his preferred mode of treatment. If you find it impossible to attend meetings set at a fixed date and time, then non 12 step recovery programs offer you that leverage.
ChoicePoint Client Treatment Journey
Rather than leaving Recovery to abstinence, aa meetings, or some complex spiritual transformation, ChoicePoint believes that specific rehab steps are vital for pursuing a complete recovery.
a) Initial Diagnosis
Our medical professionals found out the type of addiction and suggested treatment based on:
- Patient’s age
- Level of dependency on the substance
- Underlying causes
b) Favorable Treatment Plan
After the initial diagnosis, the best possible treatment plan is chosen, keeping the patient’s requirements. Major programs include
Outpatient Treatment:
Involves complete detox program at our rehab center in Fairlawn, Bergen County. Vital for coping with withdrawal symptoms.
MAT program:
We offer both virtual and in-person FDA-approved medication-assisted treatment for managing cravings from opioids and alcohol.
Telehealth Treatment Program:
A complete virtual program is designed to overcome hurdles such as mental and physical fatigue from visiting inpatient treatment centers.
Unsure about your recovery plan? Reach out to us at 844.445.2565 or let us call you back by filling out this form.
Why Choose Non-12 Step Alcohol and Drug Rehab
c) Mental Recovery and Addiction Aftercare
Without follow-up on the patient’s conditions after a treatment plan is completed can lead to relapse. We offer a wide range of group and individualized therapies to help patients cope with the following:
- Anxiety attacks
- Social Stigma
- Depression Symptoms
ChoicePoint realizes that financial barriers can often stop one from getting the proper treatment. We accept all kinds of insurance programs. To verify your insurance, call us at 844.445.2565 or fill the following form.
2. Discarding Labels
Labeling someone’s addiction problem as a personality trait can harm their mental and physical Recovery. It hurts progress and also decreases the level of trust in recovery programs.
Among the many distinguishing features of this program, it provides a safe space for its patients. It does not put labels on an alcoholic, addict, stoner, etc. but identifies their problem-causing actions and offers problem-specific solutions.
Non-12 step rehab programs believe that the past mistakes and situations do not have to do anything with the present situation and would only demotivate one from striving towards getting sober.
3. Secularity of Treatment
While spirituality is essential for many people to recover, many do not find the strength to incorporate it into their Recovery. Non-12 step rehab Is thoroughly secularized and incorporates many therapeutic and philosophical influences but is limited to spiritual methods.
ChoicePoint realizes the importance of having an all-inclusive program and has built a separate treatment program for the LGBTQ community, often judged due to various belief systems. Individualized plans for specific individuals increase their chances of following through with the plan. Further, it reinforces our belief that access to quality treatment is also essential, along with spirituality.
4. Innovative Solutions
Twelve-step recovery programs believe addiction is a lifelong battle and are unmanageable for a person without spiritual transformation. Non-12 step rehab refutes such claims as to the programs it offers Recovery through various means. Non-twelve-step programs understand that addiction has multiple underlying causes such as:
- Trauma: Men at war or expecting mothers who lose their husbands in war go through cycles of PTSD.
- Mental disorders: Often go unnoticed in AA treatment plans.
- Social Pressures: Peer pressure, job problems, and tough exams often force students and young adults to succumb to addiction.
Addiction Therapies for Long-Term Recovery
Addiction does not have to be a lifelong battle, as individuals have the willpower to control and manage their problems with proper medical supervision. Through its team of medical professionals, ChoicePoint has devised programs for people going through similar traumatic situations.
Our Veterans Addiction Treatment program realizes how our soldiers go through unimaginable stress and offers a non-12 step rehab program that gives them a greater chance towards sustainable Recovery. Similarly, our expecting mother’s treatment program is designed to protect women in a vulnerable stage of their lives, irrespective of their background or beliefs.
5. Diversity
Undoubtedly the best reason to opt for non-12 step rehab. The diversity of recovery options available at one’s disposal are profound. Recovery options are diversified and incorporate multiple techniques to make Recovery as easy as possible. This is something that 12 step rehab does not have as its principles and techniques have mostly stayed the same.
ChoicePoint also exercises this level of adaptability and offers a variety of treatment approaches. We firmly believe that Recovery is only possible through the combination of multiple treatment methods.
Our addiction therapy services are built explicitly for this purpose and include:
Struggling to balance your Recovery with your routine? Make the most out of our diverse telehealth and outpatient programs to make treatment convenient for you!
The Final Word
Rehab can seem impossible to achieve if treatment is not tailored to your needs and conditions, and even though 12 step rehab programs are famous in their own right, non-12 step rehab is undoubtedly catching on. The pandemic has undoubtedly increased the need for such programs significantly, and ChoicePoint is ready to provide the necessary treatment. Reach out to ChoicePoint’s non-12 step rehab programs and find your way to a sober fulfilling life.
Medical Disclaimer:
ChoicePoint aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use disorder and mental health issues. Our team of licensed medical professionals research, edit and review the content before publishing. However, this information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. For medical advice please consult your physicians or ChoicePoint's qualified staff.