Fentanyl Vaccine: Eliminating the Fentanyl Crisis

When used under medical supervision, Fentanyl® is a game changer. However, Fentanyl abuse has caused a deadly crisis and has killed many people. The news about the new Fentanyl vaccine has broken the internet as everyone questions whether it will help eliminate the Fentanyl crisis in the US. Continuing reading for our thoughts on the…

Top 13 Sober Social Media Influencers That You Should Follow In 2023

According to a 2021 report by eMarketer, the average time spent on social media by an adult in the United States is approximately 2 hours and 7 minutes per day. Seeing others who have successfully overcome addiction on your social media profiles and live without drugs or alcohol can help you start addiction treatment. Sober influencers can…

Virtual Addiction Counseling- What To Expect

Virtual Addiction counseling can increase patient engagement. As the world is stepping into the metaverse, it is time to accept that doctors can form a good rapport with patients virtually as well. According to research, people who receive virtual addiction counseling exceed those who do not receive any treatment.  Here is how virtual addiction counseling…

A Sudden Rise in Snorting Adderall – Health Risks and Treatment

Are you aware that the US is going through an Adderall® shortage at the moment?

Alcohol Treatment Centers Near Me That Treat ETOH Abuse

Ethyl alcohol also referred to as Ethanol, is an acronym for ETOH that causes intoxication and is present in alcoholic beverages. According to the New Jersey Department of Health, breathing in Ethanol can irritate the nose, throat, and lungs. Additionally, Ethanol exposure might result in headaches, nausea, and sleepiness. You may be in need of…

How Drug Abuse Can Help With Whippets Drug Abuse

Top 3 Ways Drug Rehab Can Help With Whippets Drug Abuse

You have probably heard about “whippets drug.” But did you know it is Nitrous Oxide in a canister? Whippets have been abused ever since Nitrous was identified as a potent anesthetic (a drug that relieves pain) in the late 18th century. Nitrous oxide abuse has been linked to 20 reported occurrences of fatalities in recent…

How Long Does LSD Stay In Your System?

Lysergic acid diethylamide or LSD, also sometimes known as acid, is a synthetic chemical considered an illegal hallucinogenic drug. It has a long-lasting effect on the user’s perceptions and can be detected on drug tests. Hence, LSD is classified as a Schedule I drug, indicating that this acid is not currently accepted for medical use.…