Subutex Orange Pill

Subutex Orange Pill: Strength, Uses, and Administration

Actavis Pharma, Inc. manufactures the Subutex orange pill, and is available in 2mg and 8 mg dosage strengths. It is used to treat opioid addiction and has some uses in pain management. With several brands of Subutex on the market, it’s understandable that users may initially need clarification on the variety. Read on to learn more…

How to Break an Addiction

How Long Does It Take to Break an Addiction?

Breaking an addiction is a highly individualized process. So, how long does it take to break an addiction? It mainly depends on the substance you are addicted to and one’s personal experience. Most people with addiction need should take at least 3 months of treatment, according to NIDA. Unlike old research, addiction is not something…

Is Suboxone a controlled substance?

Is Suboxone A Controlled Substance? Understanding The Regulations

Suboxone has emerged as the go-to treatment for opioid use disorder in recent times. Suboxone is often used as the starting point for OUD treatment. However, it can also be used as a supporting drug for long-term recovery goals. Given that Suboxone’s main ingredient is Buprenorphine, often, the question arises: “Is Suboxone A Controlled Substance?”…

Is Marijuana a Gateway Drug for Opioid Use Disorder

Is Marijuana a Gateway Drug for Opioid Use Disorder

Marijuana is referred to by many words, and gateway is one of them. There is mounting evidence that people often begin to fall prey to opioids and other illicit substances when they are exposed to Marijuana and other gateway drugs.  Let’s answer 2 main questions first: Is Marijuana a Gateway Drug? – Yes and No!…

Unveiling The Truth About Suboxone Make You Tired

Does Suboxone Make You Tired? Unveiling The Truth!

Yes, suboxone makes you tired when you are just starting the treatment. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has mentioned insomnia associated with tiredness as a potential suboxone side effect. Want to know why does Suboxone make you tired and what you can do about it? Keep reading this blog to find the answer. Taking…

Addiction Medicine Specialists Near Me

Drug and Alcohol Addiction Medicine Specialists Near Me in NJ

Addiction medicine doctors are certified healthcare professionals who help people overcome substance use disorders. You can find addiction medicine specialists near me by following these three methods: Calling national helpline Searching ASAM directory Reaching out to centers for addiction treatment, such as ChoicePoint More than 47 million Americans age 12 or above battled substance use…

Suboxone vs Vivitrol

Opioid Use Disorder Treatment: Vivitrol Vs Suboxone

Suboxone is an effective treatment option in the early stages of recovery as it helps manage opioid withdrawal symptoms, curb cravings, and prevent relapse. Vivitrol is administered once you have passed the withdrawal stage. For some patients, Vivitrol is used as a step-down formula from suboxone. It is very effective in preventing relapse as it…

Understanding Suboxone Therapy for Opioid Use Disorder

Suboxone- A Promising Medication at Drug Rehab in NJ

You likely know the problematic withdrawal symptoms if you’ve attempted to overcome substance use disorder without medical assistance. This can derail your progress and lead to relapse. For those who are determined to try again, Suboxone® medication-assisted treatment (MAT) could be a valuable option. This medication has helped numerous individuals with substance use disorders break…

Can Taking Suboxone Get You High

How Long after Suboxone Can I Get High?

Suboxone, a combination of Buprenorphine and Naloxone, has proven to be an effective tool in the fight against opioid addiction. While Suboxone may help people break free from Opioid Use Disorder, many people may wonder, ‘How Long after Suboxone Can I Get High?’ Let’s discuss how Suboxone is administered, the importance of medically supervised treatment,…

How Can Prescription Drug Abuse Be Prevented?

Prescription Drug Abuse: Types, Side Effects, Withdrawal and Addiction Treatment

Abusing prescription drugs is the most straightforward way to get addicted without getting noticed. Recent data shows 16.3 million prescription drug abusers in the United States annually, which comprises 6% of Americans. Prescription drug abuse is highly addictive and requires immediate attention before medication becomes the reason for one’s lifetime struggle. ChoicePoint can help you…