Get Naloxone in NJ

Where Can I Get Naloxone in NJ?

Where can I get Naloxone in NJ? This is a question that is most frequently asked. Well, Naloxone is available in two FDA-approved forms: Injectable Naloxone Nasal Spray (Narcan) Getting Naloxone has become easier because Narcan, a brand-name version of Naloxone, has been available over the counter since 2023. This means you can now get…

Get Buprenorphine In NJ

Where Can I Get Buprenorphine In NJ? 3 Tips To Access It Same Day

Where Can You Get Buprenorphine? ChoicePoint, an addiction treatment rehab in NJ offers same-day and online buprenorphine. Our addiction professionals can prescribe you Buprenorphine or refill it for you if you meet the diagnostic criteria for opioid use disorder. Before you get your hands on it, find more on: Buprenorphine dosing guidelines Buprenorphine prescribing laws…

Does Sublocade have naloxone in it?

Does Sublocade Have Naloxone in It? A Guide on Sublocade

No, Sublocade does not contain Naloxone. Sublocade is the injectable form of buprenorphine. In other words, it is an equivalent of Subutex. Sublocade is effective in treating opioid withdrawal and cravings in those in the process of recovery.   You can get an online prescription for Sublocade or Suboxone on the same day by calling our…

Difference Between SUBOXONE® and Buprenorphine.

Is Buprenorphine the Same as Suboxone? A Complete Guide

Is Buprenorphine the same as Suboxone? NO! Buprenorphine is NOT the same as Suboxone.  Suboxone combines buprenorphine and naloxone to treat opioid dependence, while buprenorphine alone can be used for both opioid dependence and pain management. Opioid use disorder (OUD) is a significant public health issue in the US, with over 70,000 deaths from synthetic…

Naloxone for Opioid Overdose

Is Naloxone A Controlled Substance? Benefits Against Opioids

If you are also searching for an answer to the question, “Is Naloxone A Controlled Substance?” we have got you covered. Naloxone is not a controlled substance because it does not have misuse potential or risk of developing addiction. You can obtain it without even showing your ID or prescription. But what are the benefits…

Can Taking Suboxone Get You High

How Long after Suboxone Can I Get High?

Suboxone, a combination of Buprenorphine and Naloxone, has proven to be an effective tool in the fight against opioid addiction. While Suboxone may help people break free from Opioid Use Disorder, many people may wonder, ‘How Long after Suboxone Can I Get High?’ Let’s discuss how Suboxone is administered, the importance of medically supervised treatment,…

Use Naloxone for a Drug Overdose

Early Signs of Opioid Overdose: When to Administer Naloxone?

It is estimated that almost 107,000 individuals died due to overdose in 2021, and opioids were responsible for about 75% of deaths. The number of unintentional overdoses rose 289% from 2011 to 2021. The number of preventable deaths increased by 11% in the country in 2021. Most opioid overdose deaths, excluding homicides or suicides, can…

How Long Does Narcan Stay in Your System?

How Long Does Naloxone Stay In Your System?

Opioids, primarily used in pain management, produce false euphoria and have high abuse potential. Did you know that, on average, 130 Americans die from opioid overdose every day?  Naloxone (Narcan) has been considered a miracle drug to reduce opioid overdose-related deaths. But it has raised some concerns. Read on as we answer the most commonly…