Gabapentin Withdrawal

Gabapentin Withdrawal Symptoms and Treatment

Gabapentin is a prescription medication frequently used for treating seizures and nerve pain, but it may also become habit-forming as it leads to dependence. If you or a loved one has been regularly taking Gabapentin for a long time, you should be mindful of the possibility of Gabapentin withdrawal when discontinuing its use. In this article,…

Administration of Naloxone

What Are Common Administration Routes for Naloxone?

Naloxone®, typically famous as the brand name of Narcan, is a critical medication that can potentially save lives in the fight against opioid addiction. While the nasal spray form of Naloxone® has gained significant attention, did you know several other administration routes are available for this medication? In this article, we will answer what are…

How Long After Last Use of Suboxone Can I Take It?

How Long Does Suboxone Stay in Your System?

According to the National Center for Health Statistics, opioid overdose deaths are still rising, and opioid use disorder is still a significant problem in the United States. Suboxone® (a combination of Buprenorphine and Naloxone®) works together to reduce cravings and relieve withdrawal symptoms. Suboxone® is prescribed during MAT to people suffering from Opioid Use Disorder.…

What Should Not Be Taken With Naltrexone?

What to Avoid When Taking Naltrexone

Naltrexone can be a helpful MAT tool in your journey toward recovery, but it’s important to use it as prescribed to avoid any unwanted side effects. Knowing what to avoid while taking naltrexone ensures its efficacy and safety. In this article, we’ll look at what to avoid when taking Naltrexone so that you can make…

Learn How To Take Suboxone Film

How to take Suboxone Film: Common FAQs Answered

Opioid use disorder changes the brain’s chemistry, resulting in withdrawal symptoms and cravings. These symptoms can be lessened by taking Suboxone, but it works best when given the right dosage. Suboxone film helps in preventing withdrawal symptoms caused by stopping other opioids. Suboxone® is a potent drug, so your doctor may find a dose that…

Subutex vs Suboxone

Subutex vs Suboxone? A Comparison of Effectiveness and Side Effects

Subutex vs Suboxone; These are two medications commonly used to treat opioid addiction. Although they share a similar purpose, knowing their effectiveness and potential side effects is important. By taking a thoughtful and informed approach to your treatment plan, you can prioritize safety for yourself and your loved ones. This article aims to provide you…

Buprenorphine Patch- Side Effects and Uses

Buprenorphine Patch- Uses and Side Effects

Buprenorphine is an FDA-approved medication commonly used to manage heroin and opioid use disorder. Like all medications, the Buprenorphine patch may have side effects. So, keep reading and learn about the Buprenorphine patch, its use, and how to manage its potential side effects.    Contact Your Online Doctor Today   Learn About the Uses of…

Finding an Online Doctor for Opioid Use Disorder Medication

Opioid-related deaths in the US have reached record levels, with over 70% of drug overdose deaths in 2019 involving opioids, according to the CDC. Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) is highly effective in managing opioid use disorder symptoms and reducing relapse risk. However, finding the right medication and prescription can be challenging, especially if you cannot visit…

How Long Does Subutex Stay in Your System?

How Long Does Subutex® Stay in Your System?

When choosing opioid addiction treatment, patients are likely to be prescribed Subutex (Buprenorphine). While the drug is used to manage pain, it is widely employed as a treatment for addiction. Studies show that as compared to a non-opioid clonidine-based medically supervised withdrawal, buprenorphine is more efficacious.  Like other drugs, Subutex® stays inside the user’s body.…

Virtual Outpatient Treatment Program

Why Should You Choose Outpatient Rehab for Heroin Addiction Treatment?

Heroin addiction is a widespread and chronic disorder that necessitates professional intervention for recovery. In 2020, an estimated 902,000 people used heroin. Outpatient rehab allows individuals to continue their daily routine while receiving treatment; this can be beneficial as it may help them maintain a sense of normalcy and keep their job or other responsibilities.…