Statistics show that 3.9% of youth in DC were suffering from substance use disorder in 2023. Washington, being the capital of the United States, needs to clear its youth out of this addiction quagmire. To eradicate this, ChoicePoint addiction treatment center in Washington DC is providing holistic treatment to your addiction

Call now 844.445.2565 to get a same-day prescription for your substance use disorder!



Addictions We Treat in Washington DC

Addiction is when somebody is unable to control their cravings or they get physical and psychological dependence on an addictive substance. A substance can be of different types to which a person may get addicted including:

Addiction Treatment Programs offered in Washington DC

To your convenience, we take care of your addiction problems with DEA-certified staff through our addiction treatment programs numerous enough to hold a lifetime experience of sobriety. We offer personalized treatment plans for:

In all treatment programs, we provide a structured treatment including:

Medically Managed Detox

First of all a patient will be detoxified from the substance they have used in the past. They will be under professional medical and psychological supervision to manage their withdrawal symptoms inclusively. Our practitioners may dispense the following FDA-approved medications as a set of medical interventions in your detoxification:

Dual Diagnosis

During the evaluation or admission process, our psychologists will keenly observe any psychological disorder combined with addiction disorder which is under the addiction term, called a co-occurring disorder, where a person suffers from two diseases:

  • Substance use disorder i.e. drug or alcohol
  • Mental disorders i.e. anxiety, bipolar, depression, PTSD, etc. 

And will qualify them for our dual diagnosis treatment to treat panoramically.

Aftercare Recovery Plan

Maintaining abstinence can be difficult when a person has no structured plan for carrying it on after treatment. That is why we provide proper aftercare that aims at building a mindset and strength to fight daily challenges without getting involved in substance use again. This may involve

  • Psychotherapy sessions
  • Trigger management skills
  • Sober and safe environment
  • Co-curricular activities i.e. yoga, gym, and swimming
  • Scheduled follow-ups for at least one year 

To get your personalized treatment in Washington DC. Call Now [direct] to book your appointment!

ChoicePoint Addiction Treatment Program

Levels of Care offered

Addiction treatment is not just about medication and therapies, it’s a whole process of transforming a fallen into a completely sober and steadfast person. We offer different levels of care according to ASAM criteria:


If a person has a moderate level of addiction but is unable to attend the clinic due to busy scheduling they may opt for our outpatient services with:

  • Day time scheduling
  • Structured therapy sessions
  • Regular checkups

Intensive Outpatient

For severe forms of addiction, our intensive outpatient is best suited for patients with hefty responsibilities and workloads. We provide care through

  • Targeted milestone recovery
  • Rigorous and multiple therapy sessions
  • Family and home access during nights


The most sober form of treatment level with the highest recovery rate, our inpatient treatment is for those who are really serious about starting a new life free of addiction. It includes

  • Round-the-clock supervision
  • Continued therapy sessions
  • 24/7 treatment

What level of care a person should opt for depends on the type of substance used and the severity of addiction.

Our Addiction Rehab in Washington DC

In brief, the ChoicePoint addiction treatment center in Washington DC is equipped with all the prerequisites necessary for achieving a hindrance-free sober, and healthy lifestyle. fill out this form to verify your insurance or give us a call 844.445.2565 to discuss your treatment option.


What If I don't have insurance? How will I get treatment?

You won’t need to worry as we have personal funds, Tricare, and Medicaid options available for your treatment.

What Should I need to verify for the addiction treatment to be authentic?

Every addiction treatment is CARF-accredited and HIPAA-compliant. Verify these before beginning treatment.

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Available Statewide

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712 H Street NE Washington, DC 20002

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Medical Disclaimer:

ChoicePoint aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use disorder and mental health issues. Our team of licensed medical professionals research, edit and review the content before publishing. However, this information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. For medical advice please consult your physicians or ChoicePoint's qualified staff.

Medical Disclaimer:

ChoicePoint aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use disorder and mental health issues. Our team of licensed medical professionals research, edit and review the content before publishing. However, this information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. For medical advice please consult your physicians or ChoicePoint's qualified staff.