Alcohol and drug addiction can be burdensome sometimes. People may have to face social isolation due to improper behavior and the habit of addiction. Treatment is possible and smooth under our DEA-Certified Specialist care in alcohol and drug rehab in Watchung, NJ

Fill out this form to schedule an appointment or Call Now 844.445.2565 to discuss your treatment plan!

Alcohol and Drug Rehab: What to Know

Alcohol and drug rehab can be painful and often fruitless on one’s own. Therefore, taking an expert’s advice is necessary for long-term success and lifelong sobriety. Medical help is not always the cure for addiction. Sometimes it requires extensive planning and addiction therapies to revive mental stability along with physical ones and prevent relapse.

Addiction treatment at rehab in Watchung, NJ involves a series of steps with certain types of alcohol and drug treatment programs. Some of the significant steps include:


Counseling Sessions

Relapse prevention


These steps can be accomplished through different treatment programs.

Types of Addiction Treatment for Alcohol and Drug Rehab in Watchung, NJ

All of the above steps are accessed and applied based on the type of substance used in addiction, the severity of the issue concerned, and the physical well-being of a person. Our alcohol and drug rehab in Watchung, NJ offers the following addiction treatment programs and therapies to cover these steps for achieving sobriety.

Outpatient Treatment Program

We prioritize outpatient treatment in Watchung, NJ for patients that have less severity in alcohol and drug withdrawal symptoms. Patients stay in the clinic during the day time and leave at night to stay at home. It’s a cost-effective and flexible plan for those having full support at home without a tiring history of substance use.

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)

Before the detox, our MAT experts evaluate a person for:

  • Type of Substance used i.e. alcohol, opioids, prescription drugs, sleeping pills, etc.
  • The severity of withdrawal symptoms i.e. physical and psychological.

And accordingly, prescribe FDA-Approved Medications during medical detox such as:





Taking these medications on one’s own could lead to unfortunate circumstances, for which our MAT program is here to assist their alcohol and drug withdrawal journey!

Behavioral Therapy (CBT & DBT)

During psychological detox, we help patients with unhelpful thinking behavior through our cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). We also apply Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) to invoke a positive attitude in a person’s mind and make him understand the bright aspects of life. We also offer some other therapies for complete mental sobriety that includes:

Individual therapy

Group therapy

Family therapy

ChoicePoint Addiction Treatment Program

Dual Diagnosis Treatment Program

A person might be unaware of the importance of dual diagnosis treatment but we are here to guide! People who suffer from mental illness, as well as drug or alcohol addiction, are diagnosed with co-occurring disorders. 

They require treatment under our dual diagnosis program, which involves medication and psychotherapies to help them revive effectively.

Looking for comprehensive alcohol and drug rehab that involves all the above programs? Call Now 844.445.2565 to get our 24/7 Support for addiction treatment!

Appointment for Alcohol and Drug Rehab in Watchung, NJ

Rehab is only possible when you make up your mind with the right guide by your side. And ChoicePoint with their rightful

  • Addiction Treatment Programs
  • Psychotherapies
  • Telehealth Treatment Program

Can help you recover your sober life, maintain it and prevent your relapse to alcohol or drug addiction. We also offer a Free Addiction Assessment for you to begin your evaluation.

Call Now 844.445.2565 to verify your insurance and start treatment today!

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1515 Route 22 West STE 30 Watchung, NJ 07069

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Medical Disclaimer:

ChoicePoint aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use disorder and mental health issues. Our team of licensed medical professionals research, edit and review the content before publishing. However, this information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. For medical advice please consult your physicians or ChoicePoint's qualified staff.

Medical Disclaimer:

ChoicePoint aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use disorder and mental health issues. Our team of licensed medical professionals research, edit and review the content before publishing. However, this information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. For medical advice please consult your physicians or ChoicePoint's qualified staff.