Whenever a person is unable to control the use of drugs or alcohol, their daily life becomes complicated. These sorts of habits often lead to Alcohol use disorder (AUD) and Substance use disorder (SUD) or sometimes both. The care a person requires depends on the severity of the issue and withdrawal complexities which can be assessed at our rehab facility.

Choicepoint offers extensive treatment plans for alcohol and drug rehab in Hazlet, NJ. Call Now 844.445.2565 for quick virtual consultation!

Alcohol and Drug Rehab: How Does It Work?

Alcohol and drug rehab is a process involving medical intervention as well as psychological counseling to help a person struggling with addiction issues. Professional consultation can help reduce the severity and complications of drug or alcohol withdrawal and makes it easy for a person to achieve lifelong purity.

Phases of Addiction Treatment in Hazlet, NJ

Our alcohol and drug rehabilitation center in Hazlet, New Jersey undergoes four phases of the clinical process to improvise addiction treatment that involves:

1) Evaluation and Intake

The admission process in our rehab facility is a sort of evaluation that involves clinicians and psychologists to determine a person’s addiction disorder. Our DEA-certified staff will derive a personalized treatment plan based on one’s physical, mental, and social performance.

Some of the physical withdrawal symptoms that we evaluate before detox include:




Nausea and vomiting

Body pains

Breathing and heart problems

Moreover, if a person has co-occurring disorders i.e. addiction as well as mental illness. We will treat it under our dual diagnosis program to help them achieve a healthy outcome from rehab. So they don’t need to worry or beat around the bushes for a two-in-one treatment.

Mental illness could include:



Bipolar disorder




2) Medication-Assisted Detox

If one manages withdrawal symptoms associated with drug and alcohol addiction by itself it will be uncomfortable or even gets lethal sometimes. It is better to consult professional clinicians for a medical detox.

After phase one, our Medication-Assisted Treatment program will provide with FDA-Approved medication specifically designed to alleviate cravings, intense withdrawal symptoms and ease illness. According to substance, it may include:





Medical detox at our facility will not only provide the above prescriptions but also administer OTC medication to curb other symptoms as well.

ChoicePoint Addiction Treatment Program

3) Rehab Involving Addiction Therapies

One of the major benefits of choosing a rehab facility for alcohol and drug rehab is that a person doesn’t just get medical treatment but also a variety of other treatment options along with psychological detox. At our facility in Hazlet, NJ, treatment can be obtained at a variety of setups according to the feasibility and flexibility of a patient.

  • Outpatient Treatment

Flexible and cost-effective for busy people struggling to maintain a sober lifestyle and having low to moderate-level addiction disorders.

  • Telehealth Treatment

Beneficial for people in remote areas, social introverts, and those unable to attend in-person treatment. Our telehealth service is available 24/7.

Psychological detox at our rehab facility in Hazlet, NJ involves a careful approach towards a person in converting their unhelpful thoughts and negative behavior into a positive and character-building firm attitude in sustaining sobriety. This may involve:

Cognitive behavioral therapy

Dialectical behavioral therapy

Individual/Group therapy

Family therapy

4) Maintaining Abstinence

An individual will never be able to maintain their sobriety after rehab on their own due to tough life situations and increasing inflation worldwide these days. It is better to stay focused and attached to a professional rehabilitation center near themselves to keep updated regarding their condition. 

We can help you in this matter by maintaining your abstinence through 24/7 virtual consultation and a relapse prevention plan.

Take our free addiction assessment to qualify your condition and start treatment. Call Now 844.445.2565 to discuss your report!

Start Your Alcohol and Drug Rehab at Choicepoint in Hazlet, NJ

If you are looking for alcohol and drug rehab in Hazlet, NJ we have ChoicePoint at your doorstep. We can offer you a same-day prescription and a virtual Suboxone treatment plan.

Verify your insurance or check our commercial insurance programs to look for your insurance coverage in New Jersey! Call Now 844.445.2565

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Medical Disclaimer:

ChoicePoint aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use disorder and mental health issues. Our team of licensed medical professionals research, edit and review the content before publishing. However, this information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. For medical advice please consult your physicians or ChoicePoint's qualified staff.

Medical Disclaimer:

ChoicePoint aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use disorder and mental health issues. Our team of licensed medical professionals research, edit and review the content before publishing. However, this information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. For medical advice please consult your physicians or ChoicePoint's qualified staff.