Benefits of Choosing ChoicePoint’s Telehealth Addiction Treatment Program

With the ChoicePoint telehealth addiction treatment program, you don’t need to take special time out of your busy schedule. You can start treatment right now. We understand that due to social distancing requirements and social isolation in-patient treatment is not accessible to everyone. Social isolation, coupled with increasing anxiety and worries of financial instability, can threaten a person’s recovery.

Our online addiction treatment programs are easily accessible. A virtual appointment would be set up and you can attend your session at the ease of your home, through any available gadget like laptop, tablet, Ipad or even your mobile phone. Yes, it’s that simple!

Benefits of telehealth services:

  • Access treatment from the comfort of your house
  • Attend meetings and therapy sessions without facing potential barriers like transportation
  • Fewer associated costs
  • Treatment is flexible and can be made to fit any schedule
  • Clients can access telehealth services at any time, from anywhere

Our aim is to provide you with a holistic addiction treatment program that can help to treat addiction but will put you on a path to achieve lifelong sobriety.

You are not alone so don’t let fears hold you back from getting the help you need. 

What Is Telehealth Addiction Treatment Program?

Don’t be overwhelmed by the terminologies! Telehealth means providing healthcare services via technology. Through our telehealth addiction treatment program, you will be connected with a licensed healthcare specialist.
Telehealth services can be used for nearly every level of addiction treatment. At ChoicePoint, every aspect of your treatment can be completed online. This includes:

Initial and ongoing assessments

Paperwork and billing

Group, individual, and family therapy sessions

Treatment is flexible and can be made to fit any schedule

Access treatment from the comfort of your house

Clients can access telehealth services at any time, from anywhere

Treatment is flexible and can be made to fit any schedule

Fewer associated costs

Telehealth Addiction Treatment Center in new jersey

What ChoicePoint Offers

ChoicePoint offers telehealth addiction treatment programs for those seeking to overcome drug or alcohol addiction. If you cannot commit to inpatient or even in-person treatment our telehealth service is an excellent choice for you.

Online addiction treatment is in no way a less effective treatment option–in fact, benefits of telehealth services can make it an even more compelling route to recovery. 

When you take advantage of our telehealth addiction treatment program, you’ll find:


Appointments prioritizing your schedule

User Friendly

Easy, effective, and simple to use

Increased Accessibility

No commute issues for our remote clients

Pocket Friendly

Cost-effective than in-person visits


Appointments prioritizing your schedule

User Friendly

Easy, effective, and simple to use

Increased Accessibility

No commute issues for our remote clients

Pocket Friendly

Cost-effective than in-person visits

Our Telehealth Addiction Treatment Program in New Jersey And Montana – ChoicePoint

Are you ready to take back your life from addiction? Don’t wait any further. Join ChoicePoint telehealth addiction treatment programs that are specially formulated according to your needs.

Every ChoicePoint client receives a personalized virtual addiction treatment plan that is easily accessible from any location to help those struggling with substance abuse. Fill out this form and our team will reach out to you.

The steps to expect during the treatment include:

  • Admissions – Our team will create a personalized treatment plan
  • Detox treatment – Break free of addiction with the help of counseling and medical support
  • Intensive outpatient treatment – Consistent counseling, accountability, and ongoing medical monitoring can set you on the path to success
  • Outpatient treatment – Develop healthy coping skills to help you avoid relapse and rebuild your life
  • Aftercare – We support clients even after they complete a formal treatment program

Discover how we can help you overcome addiction by contacting us at 844.445.2565 today.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can you get started with telehealth treatment?

At ChoicePoint, you can avail our hassle-free telehealth addiction treatment program by just filling out this simple form or by contacting us at 844.445.2563. Our team will reach out to you.

Are telehealth services covered by insurance?

Yes, most companies provide insurance for telehealth services. ChoicePoint accepts all insurances. However, laws are different according to every state and insurance company. Please follow our insurance verification process to check if your insurance covers our treatment programs.

What is the major difference between telehealth and telemedicine?

Both telehealth and telemedicine refer to providing healthcare services via technology. However, telemedicine refers to providing only remote clinical services whereas telehealth is a broader term that covers providing both clinical and non-clinical services such as therapy to individuals through technology.

Is telehealth treatment as successful as in-person treatment?

Yes, even some argue that telehealth is more effective than in-person treatment. Increased patient engagement, online progress monitoring, and better follow-up are some of the major benefits of telehealth services.

Is telehealth effective for mental health?

Absolutely, our telehealth services deal with alcohol and drug addiction treatment while prioritizing your mental health. You can also check our dual diagnosis treatment program that is specialized in treating mental health along with substance addiction.

How is telehealth cost-effective?

Telehealth cuts down huge traveling costs and allows you to access treatment wherever you are. You don’t even have to miss your working hours trying to reach distant treatment centers.


  1. I had given up getting addiction treatment because I can not afford to travel to hospitals all the time. But thanks to this great article here, I know I have to give treatment another chance.

  2. This is the most inspiring and insightful way of treating what has been a 25 year opiate addiction for me to try. I’ live in a rural area and there is no way for me to make it into a methadone clinic daily . I am willing to try this and I’m ready for freedom from opiates.

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