Rehab That Take Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield

The journey towards addiction-free life starts once you decide to initiate addiction treatment. For many people living a drug-free life seems to be a dream because they simply can’t afford the cost of alcohol and drug rehab. However, multiple options are available that can help you cover the cost of rehab.
Horizon blue cross blue shield is one of the best insurance providers in New Jersey that offer a wide range of insurance programs with multiple benefits. Horizon BCBSNJ can help people suffering from alcohol and drug addiction starts treatment without worrying about the rehab cost.

Length of Addiction Treatment Program

Type of Substance Abused

Drug Dependence Level

To verify your Horizon BCBS insurance for addiction treatment or to check how much your insurance can cover for alcohol and drug rehab, feel welcome to call us at 844.445.2565.

ChoicePoint Addiction Treatment Programs Accepting Horizon BCBS

Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of NJ may cover your alcohol and drug rehab costs depending upon the type of plan you have. However, we at ChoicePoint accept Horizon BCBS for all addiction treatment programs that include:

To know how much your insurance program covers the above-mentioned addiction treatment programs, please call our admission advisor at 844.445.2565 or visit our treatment center in Fair Lawn, New Jersey. 

Addiction Therapist That Takes Horizon BCBS

ChoicePoint addiction therapists that offer behavior-changing therapies such as Cognitive-behavioral therapy and Dialectical behavior therapy accept Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey. All our addiction therapists are available online to help you start recovery in the comfort of your home. ChoicePoint also accepts Horizon BCBSNJ for dual disorder in which a patient suffers from mental illness and addiction at the same time.
To learn more about alcohol and drug rehab insurance coverage, feel free to call us at 844.445.2565 or verify your insurance here.

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Medical Disclaimer:

ChoicePoint aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use disorder and mental health issues. Our team of licensed medical professionals research, edit and review the content before publishing. However, this information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. For medical advice please consult your physicians or ChoicePoint's qualified staff.

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