What is Expecting Mother’s Drug Treatment Program?

Drug addiction for expecting mothers is a specialized medical program that aims to bring an end to drug dependency in pregnant women. At ChoicePoint, our medical doctors and therapists have collectively devised a well-structured approach to help pregnant women give up drug and opioid addiction.
Our MAT program caters to specific needs for pregnant women to help them deal with drug addiction.
Drug dependency in pregnant women can lead to life-threatening risks for the mother and the unborn baby. ChoicePoint has stepped in to remedy this whole situation with its highly individualized addiction treatment program for expecting mothers.

Expecting mother’s drug addiction treatment program is a wise choice for you if you are having:

Opioids Abuse

Drugs Dependency

Recurrent Drug Cravings

Withdrawal Symptoms

Are you still wondering if ChoicePoint’s drug addiction program for expecting mothers can work for you? Simply reach out to us at 844.445.2565 or fill in this online form to know more.

How Can ChoicePoint Help You Overcome Drug Addiction?

Drug addiction in pregnant women is a very serious health concern. Babies that are born to mothers abusing opioids such as morphine, opium, and heroin are at risk of premature birth, low birth weight, neonatal withdrawal symptoms, and even death for the women or the infant.
ChoicePoint’s Medication-Assisted-Treatment Program (MAT) uses a combination of counseling, behavioral therapies, and safe medications to treat drug dependency in pregnant women.
We have a very flexible approach to deal with drug addiction problems in women. Our aim is to help expecting women in such a way that they can commit to life-long sobriety.

Our step by step expecting mothers drug addiction treatment program include:


Detailed diagnosis by an expert

Supervised Detoxification

Medications used are safe for women and infant

An Individualized Treatment

A different treatment plan for every person

Life-Long Sobriety

Avoid relapses and cravings

Our team of medical experts has a well-structured treatment plan to help women deal with drug addiction. Pregnant women can also avail our online drug addiction treatment program for expecting mothers through our telehealth services. Our telehealth addiction treatment program enables women to get the best drug addiction treatment wherever they are.

At ChoicePoint, we have a team of highly-qualified and experienced medical professionals who are strictly non-judgemental about the patient’s situation. We also never compromise on patients’ identity or safety while performing the treatment.

Are you also abusing opioids and other drugs during your pregnancy? Allow us to help you deal with this problem by reaching us at 844.445.2565 or fill this online form.

What is Expecting Mother’s Drug Treatment Program?

Drug addiction for expecting mothers is a specialized medical program that aims to bring an end to drug dependency in pregnant women. At ChoicePoint, our medical doctors and therapists have collectively devised a well-structured approach to help pregnant women give up drug and opioid addiction.
Our MAT program caters to specific needs for pregnant women to help them deal with drug addiction.
Drug dependency in pregnant women can lead to life-threatening risks for the mother and the unborn baby. ChoicePoint has stepped in to remedy this whole situation with its highly individualized addiction treatment program for expecting mothers.

Expecting mother’s drug addiction treatment program is a wise choice for you if you are having:

Opioids Abuse

Drugs Dependency

Recurrent Drug cravings

If you can not access inpatient rehabilitation

Are you still wondering if ChoicePoint’s drug addiction program for expecting mothers can work for you? Simply reach out to us at 844.445.2565 or fill in this online form to know more.

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