Telehealth Addiction Treatment Center in new jersey

What Is Buprenorphine Treatment Program?

Buprenorphine treatment is provided through our medication-assisted treatment program. It is an FDA-approved medication that is commonly used to treat opioid addiction. It also works wonders to reduce withdrawal symptoms associated with addiction.  

Along with opioid abuse, buprenorphine can effectively treat:

Opioid Use Disorder

Prescription Painkillers Addiction

Heroin Dependency

Acute Pain

In addition to this, buprenorphine can treat any type of narcotics dependency. You can avail our program online through telehealth services or attend our addiction treatment center in NJ. Simply call us at 844.445.2565 or fill in the form

How Buprenorphine Can Help You to Overcome Addiction 

Buprenorphine acts as an opioid blocker. It acts as a partial opioid agonist, which means that it occupies the same brain receptors as occupied by addictive opioid substances. This works wonders to treat substance dependence as the body’s cravings for opioid is satisfied by buprenorphine.
A common question arises that we are just replacing one drug with another. However, this is not the case. Buprenorphine is a completely safe and effective drug. It is even a safer option than commonly prescribed methadone drugs. 

Advantages of using buprenorphine to treat opioid use disorder include:

Lower abuse potential

Reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms

Can be used during both detox and maintenance stages

Lower toxicity even at higher doses

If you are a victim of narcotics dependency, we can help you. Our experienced doctors will devise an individualized treatment plan suited to your requirements. All you have to do is just call us at 844.445.2565 or fill in the form, and we will take care of the rest.

Telehealth Addiction Treatment Center in new jersey

What Is Buprenorphine Treatment Program?

Buprenorphine treatment is provided through our medication-assisted treatment program. It is an FDA-approved medication that is commonly used to treat opioid addiction. It also works wonders to reduce withdrawal symptoms associated with addiction.  

Along with opioid abuse, buprenorphine can effectively treat:

Opioid Use Disorder

Prescription Painkillers Addiction

Heroin Dependency

Acute Pain

In addition to this, buprenorphine can treat any type of narcotics dependency. You can avail our program online through telehealth services or attend our addiction treatment center in NJ. Simply call us at 844.445.2565 or fill in the form.

How Buprenorphine Can Help You to Overcome Addiction 

Buprenorphine acts as an opioid blocker. It acts as a partial opioid agonist, which means that it occupies the same brain receptors as occupied by addictive opioid substances. This works wonders to treat substance dependence as the body’s cravings for opioid is satisfied by buprenorphine.
A common question arises that we are just replacing one drug with another. However, this is not the case. Buprenorphine is a completely safe and effective drug. It is even a safer option than commonly prescribed methadone drugs. 

Advantages of using buprenorphine to treat opioid use disorder include:

Lower abuse potential

Reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms

Can be used during both detox and maintenance stages

Lower toxicity even at higher doses

If you are a victim of narcotics dependency, we can help you. Our experienced doctors will devise an individualized treatment plan suited to your requirements. All you have to do is just call us at 844.445.2565 or fill in the form, and we will take care of the rest.

Our Buprenorphine Treatment Program in New Jersey And MontanaChoicePoint’s

ChoicePoint will never risk your health. The effectiveness of every treatment depends on medical counseling and effective addiction therapy sessions. Our addiction therapy sessions include:

In addition to this, our medication-assisted treatment program provides prescription medication to treat alcohol use disorder and drug addiction. We can help you overcome any type of addiction. Simply call us at 844.445.2565 or fill in the form.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is buprenorphine used for?

Buprenorphine is used to treat narcotics dependency, such as

What are the side effects of using buprenorphine?

Buprenorphine is an FDA-approved medication that is very safe and effective. However, mild side effects include:

  • Headache
  • Drowsiness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Constipation
  •  Nausea

For how long can you use buprenorphine?

Buprenorphine can be used during the initial phases and maintenance phases of treatment. Prolonged use can lead to buprenorphine addiction, so your doctor will evaluate your progress to determine this drug’s duration.

Can buprenorphine be used for pain relief?

Yes, buprenorphine is an excellent painkiller. It is used to treat severe pain from severe injuries and post-operative procedures. It can also be used to treat any pain associated with opioid addiction withdrawal symptoms.

Are buprenorphine and naloxone the same?

No buprenorphine and naloxone are not the same. Naloxone entirely blocks opioid receptors in the brain, whereas buprenorphine acts as a partial blocker.

Which medications interact with buprenorphine?

Medications that interact with buprenorphine are:

  • Aspirin
  • Adderall
  • Naltrexone
  • Benadryl

It is essential to inform your doctor about any medications you are using so your doctor can check for any harmful interaction of buprenorphine with in-use medications.

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