ChoicePoint Criminal Justice Addiction Treatment Program in Westby

Telehealth Addiction Treatment Center in new jersey

ChoicePoint believes in inclusivity and quality treatment for all. Through our criminal justice addiction treatment program, we offer an action plan that covers all aspects of treatment, from detox to medical counseling

Our highly-qualified team of medical healthcare providers will help you recover from confinement-associated traumas and substance addiction so you can lead a peaceful and productive life.

Benefits of our treatment program include:

No Negative Stigma

No discrimination

Long Term Recovery

For a productive and sober lifestyle

Improved Mental Health

Healing from within

Virtual Therapy Sessions

Increased flexibility and accessibility

We may or may not provide telehealth treatment services in your county depending on the current COVID state and federal guidelines, as they are subject to change, for more information or if you are interested you can also visit our office at Montana.

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