ChoicePoint Group Therapy Program in Phillips

Telehealth Addiction Treatment Center in new jersey

Recovery from addiction is a hard process. Being with those walking on the same path makes it easy. At ChoicePoint, we own your problems and offer group therapy programs to boost peer support, lower your loneliness, and increase your recovery rate.

We have patient-friendly and result-oriented group therapy programs that aim to help people initiate and sustain recovery from substance abuse and increase the overall well-being.

Benefits of our therapy sessions include:

Support Groups

Recovery-focused peers

Improved Social Skills

To achieve life goals

Improved Stress Management

To avoid any relapse

Reduced Drug and Alcohol Dependency

Rebuild an addiction-free life

We may or may not provide telehealth treatment services in your county depending on the current COVID state and federal guidelines, as they are subject to change, for more information or if you are interested you can also visit our office at Montana.

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