ChoicePoint Intensive Outpatient Addiction Treatment Program in Madison

Telehealth Addiction Treatment Center in new jersey

At ChoicePoint Health, we understand that fighting alcohol and drug addiction on your own can be very challenging and overwhelming. To make this journey easier for you, we offer an IOP addiction treatment program.

Our IOP addiction treatment program is a unique blend of targeted therapy and MAT program so that our patients can commit to long-term sobriety

Benefits of the IOP program include:

Cost-Effective Treatment

Affordable in comparison to in-patient treatment

Support Programs

Recovery-focused groups

Medical Counseling

Step by step Guidance

Sustainable Recovery

For long term sobriety

We may or may not provide telehealth treatment services in your county depending on the current COVID state and federal guidelines, as they are subject to change, for more information or if you are interested you can also visit our office at Montana.

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