Intensive Outpatient Program
Near Me

Are you looking for an intensive outpatient program near you? ChoicePoint offers personalized IOP programs that are flexible to fit your needs. An Intensive outpatient program can help against substance use disorder and dual diagnosis disorders.

IOP programs are designed to help you start addiction recovery while still letting you fulfill your life responsibilities. According to the latest study, The IOP program can help you establish psychological support and develop relapse management skills.  

Other benefits of the IOP program include:

  • You can continue your normal day-to-day activities while getting the treatment
  • It offers you the freedom to stay with your loved ones 
  • Low relapse rates
  • Lower cost compared to an inpatient treatment program
  • Flexible to meet your schedule
  • Insurance covered

Can’t stay 24/7 at the rehab facility but still looking for an alternative addiction treatment program? The ChoicePoint IOP program is the solution for you. To learn more, feel free to call us at 844.445.2565.

Intensive Outpatient Program
Near Me

Have you ever reached out to a drug rehab clinic and got responses like “Sorry, Not accepting new patients”? It can be discouraging for people who want to liberate their life from the jaws of drug and alcohol dependence. 

Finding an addiction treatment center near you that accepts new patients could be a challenging task because many addiction therapists only take clients referred by other therapists. Likewise, the Federal Law limits the number of patients that an addiction doctor can treat at the moment. Knowing the situation, ChoicePoint, a New Jersey-based addiction treatment center, accepts new patients to help them start their journey towards an addiction-free life. 

Benefits of choosing ChoicePoint for addiction treatment include:

What Is an IOP Program?

Why are IOP programs intensive? ChoicePoint intensive outpatient programs near you are “intensive,” meaning you can meet our clinical psychologists and addiction doctors at the pre-scheduled time during the treatment sessions. However, sessions occur more often than outpatient programs, usually 10 hours per week. 

How are IOP programs outpatient? IOP programs are outpatient. It means your overnight stay at the rehab facility isn’t required, and you can return home after attending individual sessions with our doctors. 

Likewise, IOP programs are structured to meet the varying needs of every individual and treatment.

What to Expect in an IOP Program?

You might be anxious about the effectiveness of the IOP program. The situation was quite the same with one of our patients who said, “I had opioid dependence and decided to start the IOP program. Just before I could take my first session, Covid-19 restricted me to my home. ChoicePoint virtual IOP program helped me with therapies, medication, care, and support I required at that time”. 

An intensive outpatient program near you includes the treatment for substance use disorder and mental health problems. Patients visit our state-of-the-art facility and get personalized sessions. Virtual IOP programs are also available for anyone wanting to continue their treatment from their home. 

You can expect the following program in IOP:

Behavior Changing Therapies

Substance use disorder can take away so much from you or your loved one. You may struggle to cope with withdrawal symptoms like stress, anxiety, and craving after getting the treatment. Therefore ChoicePoint IOP programs include behavior-changing therapies to help build the coping skills you may need to avoid relapse. The clinical team at ChoicePoint offer the following therapies:

Medication-assisted Treatment Program

Medications prescribed at ChoicePoint intensive outpatient programs near you are FDA approved and can help you cope with the withdrawal symptoms that otherwise can urge a relapse. 

ChoicePoint offers the prescription of the following medications:

Want to get the same-day prescription of the above-mentioned medication? Feel free to call us at 844.445.2565.

Group Therapies

Group therapies are a significant part of the IOP program for substance use disorders. At ChoicePoint, we design groups based on the individualized needs of patients. For example, the needs of a veteran are different from a student fighting with addiction. Therefore, we have developed groups to address the unique needs of the patients. 

Group therapy sessions can give the following benefits to anyone searching for an intensive outpatient program near me:

  • You can relate to others
  • You can develop communication and socialization skills
  • You learn how to cope with your cravings 
  • Drug refusal skills

Individual Therapies

Those searching for an intensive outpatient program near me will also have access to individual therapies. ChoicePoint addiction therapists work on individual issues and help patients replace their destructive behavior patterns with healthier ones. 

Feel interested? Feel free to call us today at 844.445.2565 to help you take your first step towards sobriety.

IOP Program Goals

The ultimate goal of the ChoicePoint IOP program is to help you commit to lifelong sobriety. Leading IOP program goals include:

  • Helping patients heal from any past events that leads them towards addiction
  • Identifying the triggers
  • Helping patients learn behavioral and cognitive coping skills to maintain long-term sobriety
  • Learning relapse management skills

Why Choose IOP Over Inpatient Program?

McCarty D and Braude L concluded in their latest research article that “Based on the quality of trials, diversity of settings, and consistency of outcomes, the level of evidence for IOP research was considered high.” They further emphasized the effectiveness of the IOP program for adults suffering from substance use disorder

Chaye, the clinical director at ChoicePoint, says that “starting addiction treatment in the inpatient or residential treatment program means staying away from your loved one. People who are close to their family can’t stay 24/7 in the facility”. She adds that people have work commitments that may restrict them from entering a full-time addiction treatment program. 

Knowing this, the ChoicePoint IOP program near you offers flexibility and doesn’t need a patient to stay overnight at the facility. In the IOP program, you can stay with your family and can have the moral support that one needs during challenging addiction recovery time.

Drawbacks of Inpatient program include Benefits of the IOP program near you include
Higher cost Lower cost
Away from loved ones You can get family support
It can be stressful Can continue your job and other commitments
Relapse chances once you go back home Low relapse chances

How To Start an IOP Program?

STEP 1: Registration

You can register by calling us at 844.445.2565 or by filling out this simple registration form.

Addiction Screening

An addiction treatment plan will be prepared after analyzing your needs.

Start of
IOP Program

After verification, our addiction doctors and clinical psychologists will develop a personalized IOP program.

How To Start an IOP Program?

STEP 1: Registration

You can register by calling us at 844.445.2565 or by filling out this simple registration form.

Addiction Screening

An addiction treatment plan will be prepared after analyzing your needs.

Start of
IOP Program

After verification, our addiction doctors and clinical psychologists will develop a personalized IOP program.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long is the IOP Program?

IOP programs usually last for 90 days, but depend on the individual.

ChoicePoint IOP Program Near You Covered By Insurance?

ChoicePoint accepts all commercial insurance providers to help you start the IOP program from ChoicePoint New Jersey clinic without worrying about the treatment cost.

Do IOP Programs Provide Treatment For Co-occurring Disorders?

Yes, ChoicePoint Intensive outpatient program in New Jersey provides the treatment for the co-occurring disorder. For more details, feel welcome to call us at 844.445.2565.

Medical Disclaimer:

ChoicePoint aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use disorder and mental health issues. Our team of licensed medical professionals research, edit and review the content before publishing. However, this information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. For medical advice please consult your physicians or ChoicePoint's qualified staff.


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