Eating disorders take a serious toll on your quality of life beyond your relationship with food or body weight. If you have also started noticing the profound effects of eating disorder (ED) on your physical, psychological, and emotional state, then it is time to seek eating disorder help. According to the Academy for Eating Disorders, 28.8 million adolescent and young adult Americans battle with an eating disorder in their lifetime. ChoicePoint provides resources for eating disorders near you to eliminate your symptoms and negative behavior. 

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An Overview Of How ChoicePoint Eating Disorder Treatment Online and In-Person Works

Here is what you can expect to experience when you choose to have ChoicePoint as your treatment provider:

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Schedule An Appointment

Call us at 844.445.2565 or fill out the online registration form to schedule your appointment. Whether you want to visit our eating disorder treatment center in New Jersey or book an online meeting with our mental health professionals, our admission team can help you make the right choice.

Meet Our Qualified Doctors

Discuss your symptoms, medical history, and eating patterns with your consultant. Disclose everything about your condition so you can receive holistic care.

Attend Aftercare Sessions

Continue meeting your doctor after you have received your eating disorder intervention so they can monitor your progress and take necessary actions as required

Want to improve your relationship with food and bring a positive change to your health? Get treatment resources for eating disorders near you in NJ today 844.445.2565.


Types Of Eating Disorder Treatment At ChoicePoint

Anorexia Nervosa: Marked with extremely low weight, fear of gaining weight, and intentional vomiting.

Binge Eating Disorder: Involves spontaneous excessive eating without controlling your calorie intake. 

Orthorexia Nervosa: Obsession with eating clean and healthy food. 

Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder: ARFID makes you restrict eating, lose interest in food, and have negative thoughts relating to eating, such as choking and vomiting. 

Bulimia Nervosa: Characterized by episodes of binge eating and purging.

Co-occurring Health Issues: We offer dual diagnosis to treat substance abuse, anxiety, depression, and other health issues present along with ED. 

Pica: Pushes you into eating non-food objects with no nutritional value. 

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Benefits of ChoicePoint Eating Disorder Treatment 

Our treatment is specifically designed to help you:

  • Restore nutritional balance
  • Get motivated to stay healthy
  • Overcome detrimental behaviors (e.g., excessive purging)
  • Understand the effect of eating disorders on your life

Let’s work together to improve your eating patterns and develop a positive body image 844.445.2565.


Treatment Resources For Eating Disorders Near You

Our team of doctors, mental health professionals, and eating disorder experts know what can help you come out of the vicious cycle of eating and purging. Here is the list of services for eating disorder treatment online and in person that ChoicePoint offers:

1. Behavior Therapy

We use cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) or dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) to help you appreciate yourself regardless of your body shape. CBT and DBT will help you replace your unhealthy behaviors with the ones that can improve your well-being. 

2. Family Therapy

For our young clients, including teenagers and children, our mental health professionals include their families during therapeutic sessions. It allows the family to learn about their family member’s condition and ways to support them. 

3. Education Services

You will also learn the importance of balancing macro and micronutrients and how they can help you have a healthier mind and weight. 

4. Medications

We use medications on a case-to-case basis, but they are generally for underlying issues such as anxiety or depression.

5. Support Groups 

We also provide emotional eating support groups to help our clients learn from others and become motivated to achieve their goals. 

Eating Disorder Symptoms 

The symptoms of eating disorders vary depending on the type of the problem, but some of them that you can encounter most of the time include: 

  1. Extreme weight (either low or high)
  2. Fear of gaining weight
  3. Gastrointestinal issues
  4. Acid reflux
  5. Unusual eating patterns
  6. Eating too much or too little than normal
  7. Obsession with exercise
  8. Intestinal issues
  9. Changes in your clothing style

We understand that this is not an exclusive list. If you have any other symptoms relating to an eating disorder, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at 844.445.2565.

What Causes Eating Disorders?

There are a couple of factors that come into play causing eating disorders. Here are those supported by the research:

Presence of other psychiatric disorders: Substance misuse, anxiety issues. And personality disorders can contribute to poor eating habits.

Genetics: You are much more likely to have an eating disorder if your family has it. 

Trauma: A past incident of abuse, bullying, or a traumatic experience can make you susceptible to eating disorders.

Get Eating Disorder Treatment Online via Telehealth Services

We also offer online therapy sessions and education to ensure you don’t miss out on your treatment due to conveyance issues. Our online treatment for eating disorders can help you:

  • Receive quick consultations 
  • Keep your information confidential 
  • Have affordable treatment option

Seeking professional help is the real strength. Start your holistic treatment for eating disorders from the comfort of your own with home 844.445.2565.

Frequently Asked Questions 

How Long Is Eating Disorder Treatment?

It can take a few months to years, depending on the type of eating disorder, the severity of your symptoms, and how long you’ve been going through it.

Is Online Treatment Effective For Eating Disorders?

Yes, online sessions led by certified mental health professionals can help you address the root cause of your eating disorders while also providing you the tools to improve your relationship with food. However, you might also be required to attend several in-person sessions for severe symptoms.

What Shall I Do If I Think I Suspect An Eating Disorder?

The first step is to share your condition with a friend or family member you trust. If they think the same, it is important not to panic but to seek professional help from a certified mental health professional. 

What’s The Recommended Treatment For Eating Disorders?

Treatment for eating disorders consists of therapies and education services that help the patients return to normal weight and build healthy eating habits.  Here is what you can go through during your eating disorder treatment online and in person:

  1. Cognitive behavior therapy
  2. Dialectical Behavior therapy
  3. Family Therapy
  4. Education Services
  5. Support groups
  6. Medications to treat co-occurring mental health issues

Medical Disclaimer:

ChoicePoint aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use disorder and mental health issues. Our team of licensed medical professionals research, edit and review the content before publishing. However, this information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. For medical advice please consult your physicians or ChoicePoint's qualified staff.

Medical Disclaimer:

ChoicePoint aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use disorder and mental health issues. Our team of licensed medical professionals research, edit and review the content before publishing. However, this information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. For medical advice please consult your physicians or ChoicePoint's qualified staff.