How Long Does LSD Stay In Your System?

Lysergic acid diethylamide or LSD, also sometimes known as acid, is a synthetic chemical considered an illegal hallucinogenic drug. It has a long-lasting effect on the user’s perceptions and can be detected on drug tests. Hence, LSD is classified as a Schedule I drug, indicating that this acid is not currently accepted for medical use.…

Top Mom Influencers Share 3 Tips On How To Help a Recovering Mother

Recovering from addiction is not a smooth path; there will be many ups and downs. Mothers in recovery may find it difficult to cope with downtimes.  Studies say that mothers either don’t start the treatment or quit after some time. That’s why ChoicePoint approached top-rated mother influencers who may encourage mothers to start the recovery…

7 Gynecologists Talk about the Side Effects of Cannabis Use On Pregnancy

According to the latest article published on BBC, mothers are using cannabis to help them do better parenting. However, scientific studies reveal that Cannabis use is linked with problems during and after pregnancy. Therefore, we have decided to publish the content title: “Five Gynecologists Talks about the Possible Side Effects of Cannabis Use During and After…

Your Favorite Writers Suggest 10 Books To Read During Addiction Recovery

During addiction recovery, spending the downtime can be challenging for some patients. That’s why ChoicePoint presents a list of books recommended by your favorite writers that you can read during the difficult times of your recovery process. These books can give you advice, information, and motivation that you may need to start the treatment or…

Things to Look for in Alcohol Rehab Centers Near You

5 Things to Look for in Alcohol Rehab Centers Near You

Alcohol addiction is getting worse with each passing day. More than 19.7 million people in the United States suffer from drug and alcohol addiction, and every 1 in 4 deaths is the result of a drug overdose. With proper addiction treatment and counseling, this number can drop, and lives can be saved. Therefore, choosing the…

9 Sober LGBTQ Activists Share Why You Need To Start the Addiction Treatment

According to the research, an estimated 20 to 30% of the LGBTQ community abuses alcohol or drugs, compared to about 9% of the population as a whole. LGBTQ people may avoid starting the treatment because of stigma or privacy concerns. That’s why ChoicePoint requested sober LGBTQ activists to share why you need to start the timely…

Your Favorite Movie Directors Suggest 13 Movies To Watch During Addiction Recovery

If you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol or drug addiction, you might know how challenging it is to cope with the triggers during addiction recovery. It might be difficult for you to spend your downtime and cope with the cravings. At such times, movies can help you gain the inspirations you may…

How to Help a Recovering Alcoholic - A Step by Step Guide

How to Help a Recovering Alcoholic? 5 Effective Ways

How to Help a Recovering Alcoholic? 5 Effective Ways Alcohol addiction continues to be the frontrunner in substance abuse. One in eight adults are suffering from alcohol addiction in America. Unfortunately, this statistic points at another dangerous and glaring situation that often goes unattended; Many of our friends and family members are also caught up…

How to Detox From Cocaine Safely – An Ultimate Guide 2022

When learning about how to detox from cocaine safely, it is essential to rely only on authentic information. Detox is the most crucial step in managing cocaine addiction, as if not carried out correctly, the chances of relapse are high.   This blog will give you accurate and research-backed information about what cocaine is, how it…

Follow These Top 9 Blogs in 2022 To Save Your Marriage From Addiction Side Effects

Indeed, addiction and a healthy marriage life can’t sustain long together. Alcohol and drug addiction create trust issues, conflicts, violence, and codependency that may lead to the emotional detachment from loved ones. Making a distance from your partner with an alcohol or drug addiction problem isn’t a solution. As a drug dependent, your partner needs emotional…