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Aimen Arshad

B.S., M.S Biomedical Sciences
Medical Communicator


Aimen Arshad holds a Master’s in biomedical sciences and a year’s experience in medical writing. As a medical writer, she has worked in multiple niches, including mental health, detox, and addiction treatment. She strives to communicate the intricate details of medical concepts in clear language so that people can make informed decisions about their health.

Educational Background

B.S. Applied Biosciences

National University of Sciences and Technology

M.S. Biomedical Sciences

National University of Sciences and Technology

Science Communication

NorthWestern University, London

Vast experience writing on subjects including:

Mental Health

Sleep Disorders


Addiction Treatment

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Aimen Arshad

B.S., M.S Biomedical Sciences
Medical Communicator


Aimen Arshad holds a Master’s in biomedical sciences and a year’s experience in medical writing. As a medical writer, she has worked in multiple niches, including mental health, detox, and addiction treatment. She strives to communicate the intricate details of medical concepts in clear language so that people can make informed decisions about their health.

Educational Background

B.Sc. Biochemistry

National University of Sciences and Technology

M.S. Biomedical Sciences

Kinnaird College For Women

Science Communication

NorthWestern University, London

Vast experience writing on subjects including:

Mental Health

Sleep Disorders


Addiction Treatment

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