Ethyl alcohol also referred to as Ethanol, is an acronym for ETOH that causes intoxication and is present in alcoholic beverages. According to the New Jersey Department of Health, breathing in Ethanol can irritate the nose, throat, and lungs. Additionally, Ethanol exposure might result in headaches, nausea, and sleepiness. You may be in need of help if you search for an alcohol treatment center near me that treats ETOH abuse. Read ahead and discover how ChoicePoint Health can help if you or a loved one suffers from ETOH abuse.
Table of Contents
Question of The Hour – Is Ethanol The Same As Alcohol?
Is Alcohol the same as Ethanol? Essentially, yes! Alcohol is an organic compound that is made of the elements hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), and carbon (C). Alcohol with two carbons is referred to as Ethanol. Ethanol, or ETOH, is a highly toxic and explosive substance. It is also referred to as ethyl, drinking Alcohol, or grain alcohol. Ethanol, or ETOH, is a colorless, combustible chemical compound in alcoholic beverages such as beer, wine, and liquor.
ETOH can be produced to make other compounds or added to gasoline. These are just a few applications for Ethanol, but one of its most notorious applications is as a euphoric component in various alcoholic beverages. Ethanol is categorized as a depressant. ETOH may:
- slow down the brain’s central nervous system
- affects motor skills
- response time
- cognitive ability
What Does EtOH In Medical Terms Mean?
Is Ethanol An Addictive Drug?
While in your body, Ethanol behaves similarly to other substances; As ETOH gives consumers a euphoric high, Ethanol abuse has the potential to lead to addiction. There are various reasons why people get addicted to Ethanol, including:
- Self-medicating with Alcohol makes people with bipolar illness, depression, anxiety, and other comparable conditions physically reliant on Alcohol over time.
- Overindulging in Alcohol due to boredom or peer pressure, but if these behaviors are not stopped, they frequently progress to addiction.
- Ethanol gives a feeling of euphoria once consumed, resulting in addiction.
What Drugs Have Ethanol In Them?
Ethanol has been employed as a solvent or an antibacterial preservative in oral solutions, including:
- Ranitidine
- Furosemide
- Phenobarbital
- Trimethoprim
- Co-trimoxazole
- Paracetamol
It is occasionally employed as a solvent in parenteral medications (drugs given by injection) like paclitaxel. Additionally, ETOH can be used as a solvent in flavor ingredients added to pharmaceuticals. However, there are several different concentrations of Ethanol used in medicines. Moreover, in medicine, Ethanol is employed as an antidote for ethylene glycol or methanol intoxication and a local anti-infective.
Ethanol is also found in everyday items like:
- Toothpaste
- Mouthwash
- Vanilla extract
ChoicePoint is the best Alcohol treatment centers near you that treat ETOH abuse. We recommend you seek timely help as ETOH abuse may lead to deterioration of mental and physical health. Schedule an appointment now with our DEA- certified addiction doctors; simply call us at 844.445.2565 and start your journey toward a healthy life.
What Is Ethanol Use Disorder?
Alcohol use disorder (AUD) or Ethanol Use Disorder is a diagnosable disorder marked by a decreased capacity to reduce or control alcohol consumption despite the adverse side effects. The terms “alcohol abuse,” “alcohol dependence,” “addiction,” and “alcoholism” are all used to describe conditions that are included in this category. AUD is a neurological condition that can range in severity from mild to severe. The risk of developing the disorder may vary, depending upon the amount of Alcohol the person consumes over time.
Common symptoms of Ethanol abuse are:
- Withdrawal symptoms that appear after the effects of Alcohol wear off
- Hurting oneself while under the influence of Alcohol
- Getting sick after drinking
ETOH abuse symptoms may appear gradually and can lead to long-term negative effects. To determine your substance abuse severity take our quiz and find out where you stand.
Signs & Symptoms of EtOH Abuse
Top 5 Signs Of Ethanol Intoxication – The Signs You Should Not Ignore!
Ethanol and other drugs can cause psychological and physical impairment. Alcohol poisoning, also known as Ethanol intoxication, is a condition brought on by excessive alcohol consumption. Each person has a different threshold for alcohol intoxication. Here is a list of signs of intoxication caused due to ETOH abuse:
1) Impulsive Behavior
When abusing ETOH, some people become initially agitated. The person engages in objectionable conduct such as loud talking, improper laughter, inappropriate touching, etc. ETOH abuses cause one to lose control over one’s emotions and actions.
2) Lack of Judgment
Another initial indicator of ETOH intoxication is failure to judge, which may be why some people assume it’s okay to drive after consuming ETOH. Ethanol abuse may also harm the decision-making powers of a person.
3) Inability to Think Clearly
ETOH abuse leads to the inability to think clearly under pressure or in normal circumstances. This symptom poses a grave risk since it persists long after somebody quits drinking.
4) Nausea and Vomiting
The stomach is irritated by the Alcohol, which causes nausea and eventually vomiting. The body uses vomiting as a defense mechanism to expel Ethanol from the gut because death may result once blood alcohol levels rise to a dangerous level.
5) Aggressiveness and Mood Swings
ETOH abuse may cause a person to become highly aggressive and react to small things. For instance, one of our patients reported that ETOH abuse had led him to shout and yell if things didn’t go his way. “It is as if Alcohol gives me a new aggressive personality”. Moreover, ETOH abuse may also lead to unexplainable mood swings.
ETOH abuse should not be ignored and must be treated in the initial stages. ChoicePoint is an Outpatient rehab that treats substance abuse. All you have to do is call 844.445.2565 and schedule an appointment with our DEA-certified doctors.
ChoicePoint- The Most Recommended Alcohol Treatment Centers Near You That Treat ETOH Abuse
Did you know that in the U.S., ETOH abuse results in more than 140,000 fatalities annually? ChoicePoint is an addiction treatment facility that offers in-person and virtual addiction treatment programs for New Jersey and Montana residents. However, depending on the severity, there are various levels of care. Our treatment options include; medical detox, individual or group counseling, an outpatient program, and MAT. The main goal is to ensure a patient stops drinking and achieves sustainable sobriety, therefore, we offer telehealth addiction treatment programs that can be accessed from the comfort of your home. Here is a detailed overview of how our DEA- Certified doctors at ChoicePoint may provide treatment for ETOH abuse:
A) Detoxification and Withdrawal
After a careful assessment, our addiction specialist will start a detoxification program along with a medically managed withdrawal as the first step in treating ETOH abuse. The goal is to train your body to stop drinking to give your body time to flush the Alcohol from your system. Normally, that may take a few days to a week. Some patients may feel severe withdrawal symptoms and, therefore, may need medical supervision to make the symptoms under control.
How Long is Long-Term Drug Therapy?
Common symptoms of ETOH withdrawal include:
- Anxiety
- Headache
- Sleeplessness
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Tremors
B) Psychotherapy
Our addiction doctors at ChoicePoint believe that patients may better understand their ETOH abuse through counseling and therapy. Counseling may result in long-term recovery from the psychological effects of ETOH abuse. Individual or family counseling may be helpful because family support can be crucial to healing. At ChoicePoint, you can vail the following counseling and therapy services:
- Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Program (CBT)
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy Program (DBT)
- Group Therapy Program
- Individual Therapy Program
- Family Therapy Program
Here is how counseling and therapy sessions from an addiction therapist help a person who abuses ETOH:
- Understand and change the habits that make them crave Alcohol
- Address stress and other triggering factors
- Create a solid network of support around them
- Goal-setting and achieving
C) FDA- Approved Medicated-Assisted Treatment Program
Medicated-Assisted Treatment (MAT) is an addiction treatment program that combines medication with counseling and behavioral therapies to treat substance abuse. MAT programs are individualized to meet the needs of each patient and can improve the outcomes for people with ETOH abuse disorder. At ChoicePoint, we use the following FDA-approved medications during our MAT program:
D) Integrated Treatment for Comorbid Substance Abuse Disorder
Developing mental health issues along with suffering from addiction is not uncommon. In 2020, over 3.6 million adults in the U.S. suffered from mental health disorders alongside substance abuse disorders. This is why our addiction specialists at ChoicePoint offer a dual diagnosis treatment program so they can address both the mental and physical health of a person who is affected by ETOH abuse. The dual diagnosis treatment program at ChoicePoint includes:
- Medications
- Counseling
- Lifestyle change lessons
- Detoxification
- Managing withdrawal symptoms
E) Aftercare
A successful addiction means that people recovering from Etoh abuse can stop drinking, manage relapses, and adjust to necessary lifestyle adjustments with the aid of aftercare programs and support groups. At ChoicePoint, we offer virtual and in-person aftercare programs to help you adjust back in life.
If you or a loved one suffers from ETOH abuse, contact ChoicePoint at 844.445.2565 and start treatment today. We also offer Telehealth addiction treatment for people with mobility issues.
Final Note – Alcohol Treatment Centers Near Me That Treat ETOH Abuse
Ethanol, or ETOH, is the main component of alcoholic drinks that results in intoxication. The central nervous system is significantly affected by ethanol abuse. Overconsumption of ETOH may result in issues with the immune system, liver, brain, and heart. ETOH abuse may also lead to irregular sleeping patterns, acting erratically, and losing control of one’s life altogether. Therefore, ETOH abuse should not be taken lightly and must be treated as soon as possible. An addiction rehab may be able to provide you with essential treatment options needed to cure addiction and lead a sober life. Addiction rehabs offer detox, MAT, and counseling to help to manage ETOH abuse.
ChoicePoint is an addiction treatment facility that helps people suffering from ETOH abuse by offering them Outpatient and Intensive Outpatient addiction treatment programs. So, contact us at 844.445.2565, schedule an appointment, and start your recovery journey today!
Medical Disclaimer:
ChoicePoint aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use disorder and mental health issues. Our team of licensed medical professionals research, edit and review the content before publishing. However, this information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. For medical advice please consult your physicians or ChoicePoint's qualified staff.